الرئيسيةأحدث الصورالـبـوآبـةالتسجيلدخول

soon : Shokubutsu Zukan (TSUTSUMI KAKERU)CHAPTER 2 ___ soon:Kyou mo Uchi de Machi Awase chapter 2 __ soon: new topic about pic anime HD ___ soon : new one shot


  • Manga production team - فريق ترجمة المانجاْ

    Manga production team
    Here are all the work of the translation team of anime and manga_prodaction manga team in Anime Dream and some icone belong to manga

  • نقاشاتْ الأنمي - Talk Anime and Manga

    Talk Anime and Manga
    Put talk about anime and manga here and talked about stories and typs discuss manga with member anime dream

  • مانجاْ و تقارير الأنمي - Manga and Anime Reports

    Manga and Anime Reports
    Here we put the manga stories and reports anime From Anime Dream Team report and manga japanes

  • مركز صور الأنمي - Center Photos Anime

    Center Photos Anime
    Here we put pictures anime diverse backgrounds and this special section _Photos of Japanese anime

  • مستلزماتْ الفوتوشوب - Photoshop Tools and Creativity

    Photoshop Tools and Creativity
    Put here designs and tools Photoshop and Creativity program belong_to design pattrens and bursh

  • دروسْ فن السكرابز - Lesson Scrapbooking

    Lesson Scrapbooking
    Here we put Lesson Scrapbooking that are designed Pentool _Using your hand and your mind made beauty

  • معرضْ مواهبك - Gallery

    Put here you paint your camera or something put your new designs anime manga any thing you are free

  • دورات ودروسْ تصميم - Courses and Lessons of Design

    Courses and Lessons of Design
    Here we put the lessons and courses designed to learn from us please share lessons with us

  • جـروباتُ الموقع والعآب مسليهِ - Groups and Funny

    Groups and Funny
    put here your group and share your games with us funny day

  • المدونة وساحةْ التعارف - My Blog

    My Blog
    Write about yourself and know you this free area for you talk and share

  • اكوادْ وشروحات للمواقع - Codes and Explanation of The Sites

    Codes and Explanation
    Here codes and explanations of sites you are in proplem ، well you should write tobic here

  • فعاليات و المسابقاتَ - Competitions

    If you have competition and would like to share with us Contests and competitions

  • القوانينْ والأوامر-Laws and orders

    Laws and orders
    Here we put all the rules that works by Member that's so important you should write this rules

  • الشكاوي والأقتراحاتْ - Complaints and Suggestions

    Complaints and Suggestions
    subject if you are sad of a member,suggestion for Site

    information about anime dream
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